A Quadcast team of four junior barristers: Emmet Coldrick, Paul Henton, Stephanie Barrett and Benjamin Joseph took a fresh look at ship arrest, sale and related Admiralty Court process.
This timely shipping special came in the wake of the spate of recent ship arrests driven by the downturn in the shipping market during the pandemic. The panel conducted a lively interactive discussion, sharing their tips and first-hand experience in this topical area, addressing amongst other things:-
- Arrest and Admiralty Court process, including pitfalls and traps for the unwary;
- The position of various key groups of creditors: including banks, bunker suppliers, port authorities and crew;
- The interaction of arrest and sale proceedings with other disciplines including insolvency and employment law;
- Jurisdiction and the timing of claims;
- The impact of the three (so far) reported decisions in The Columbus & the Vasco da Gama: reported at [2020] EWHC 3443 (Admlty), [2021] EWHC 113 (Admtly), and [2021] EWHC 310 (Admlty)