asia insurance

Marine Insurance Asia - Sanctions round table

Time: 5pm (SGT)


Nigel Cooper QC and Michael Davey QC will be joined by Benjamin Seow, Deputy Director (Claims) Singapore at North of England P&I and Bazul Ashhab, Partner, Oon & Bazul in the Marine Insurance Asia Panel Discussion, 'Through the looking glass – the current and likely emerging trends in terms of the impact of sanctions on marine insurance?' at 5pm (SGT) on Thursday 22 April 2021.

Our panel of distinguished speakers from Singapore and London will discuss topical issues regarding the changing global environment for enforcement of sanctions and their impact on the Asian market. Drawing on their experience and expertise, the panellists will highlight how Singaporean and English law provide solutions to the problems encountered by insurers, their customers and advisers.

Through an inter-active discussion and analysis of a case study, the panel will consider:

·         What are the critical sanctions regimes for those trading in the Asian market and their insurers?

·         Are the key players in the sanctions environment changing?

·         What are the key legal issues within the Asian insurance market in relation to sanctions?

·         Where does one look for guidance to help resolve those key legal issues?

·         Are their differences in approach between English law and Singaporean law in relation to the enforcement of sanctions?