In 2023, the evening was dedicated to Tim Marland, in celebration of his immense contribution to the workings of the Air Law Group, which he served with enthusiasm for a decade. The evening focused on Tim’s legal work; the ways in which his work has greatly influenced the development of air law in the UK and internationally; and continues to resonate powerfully with the aviation and marine markets.
In the words of one of his peers, Tim "was by far the most knowledgeable aviation lawyer I know, and he leveraged that knowledge in every case, often freely supplementing his expert’s piloting evidence from the Bar. He was the obvious choice as the barrister editor of Margo on Aviation Insurance. He was a committed and energetic force in the RAeS’s Air Law Committee, proud to follow his father, the late great Ross Marland. He served as a member from 2011, as vice-chair in 2016 and then its Chairman for 3 years from 2017-2020".
Speakers included Robert Lawson KC, Marko Ninkovic, Kathryn Ward and Philip Chrystal, all of whom worked closely with Tim over the years.